Thursday, December 08, 2005

Catcher somethin....

(This article can only be understood by those who have read "Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger)

This dude in the picture is some kinda catcher or something. I never really cared for this kinda stuff. I think this guy is a big phoney. I guess he is standing there like this because he probably is too dumb to do anythng else. Thinks his black shirt is all fancy and all. I never really liked black shirts. Think they are boring and all. Plus everybody has them so it is not interesting at all. Everyone thinks that they look cool in their black shirts. Well they all are a bunch of phonies I think. I like phones cos you can talk to people and all. I once called home from New York to speak to my sister Phoebe but she wasn't home. Its all kinda sad. Why have a home if you dont want to stay in it? Anyways this isin't gonna go anywhere so I better stop talking to phonies like you and all.
(Inspiration and courtesy:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He porbably is the "Catcher in the Rye". That grass does look like rye...

8:06 pm  
Blogger anish said...

salinger redux eh ? apparently, mihir didn't get it..

10:57 pm  

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